A multilingual informational public website for people interested in Foreign Investments. Content of this website was developed in two languages English and Russia. This web site was developed as a medium to attract Russian citizens to invest in India. Website was populated with variety of informational content for prospect customers to explore about India and get guidance regarding different investment options.


UX Design


UI Design


Graphic Design

My Role

As UX Designer

  • I was responsible for developing Wireframe and Mockup, and for documenting the front-end requirements.
  • Worked with client and stake holders to understand detailed requirements, design complete User Experience and map to client needs.

As UI Designer

  • I was responsible for developing pixel perfect solutions, converting prototypes to real functional application.
  • Used industry best practice and frameworks to make the website accessible from different browsers.
  • Worked as Individual contributor and completed the Production ready package.

As Graphic Designer

  • I was responsible for designing and manufacturing branding elements like banner, buttons, themes etc., which was also required to embed and consumed by Customer Portal.

Tools Used

HTML | CSS | Javascript | Photoshop | Dreamweaver
